Bad News Bears

When allegations first started flying around about the Baylor football program, investigators said that it was reviewing about 125 cases of sexual assault between 2011 and 2015. Although now Title IX coordinator Patty Crawford who was investigating the football program says that there were more than that, and that there were even hundreds 0f sexual assault cases that were mishandled by the school and the coaching staff. Once numbers  were finally reported officials say that there were 31 football players accused of committing at least 52 rapes, and the numbers are still growing.

Not only were these players not punished, but to add insult to injury Art Briles thoughts on the situation have been shared via his leaked text messages. Coach Briles reportedly said in a text that it was a girls fault for being assaulted because he said that, “those were some bad dudes.” He continued to go on in the message and say “why was she even around those guys?”

This is not the only insensitive comments that were leaked about the situation, after a player exposed himself to a team massage therapist the masseuse wanted the player to be disciplined but Coach Briles had responded by saying “What kind of discipline?… She a stripper?”

Briles has been recently been fired from the program and had proceeded to file a libel lawsuit, but dropped the case one day before the texts were made public.

There were also other staff members related to the incident, but they have gone on to find other work at Florida Atlantic, Arizona State, and Liberty university.

The NCAA has failed to hand out any other punishments at the moment solely because it is  only allowed to give out punishments related to things such as academic fraud and the NCAA is limited because it is a criminal matter. Federal courts so far have had this to say about the program as a whole, “the football program was a black hole into which reports of misconduct such as drug use, physical assault, domestic violence, brandishing of guns, indecent exposure and academic fraud disappeared.”

Author: randomsportsdudes

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